Within the last year I've been making a conscious effort to accept all that the creator has put before me. The good the bad and even the ugly have been embraced. Sometimes when we are struck by lightening it is a stroke of luck. People cry out for the lord to give them strength, patience, etc. on a daily basis. I think what they fail to understand is that God will give you what you ask for but he'll present it to you in creative ways. You ask God for patience he will present you with a situation that will call for you to sit and WAIT. You ask God to give you strength and he will put you in a situation where you need to be strong. The same goes for anything else you ask for. Because God knows you he knows what he put in you. When he speaks to you he isn't speaking to your circumstance he speaks to your potential. Know that every situation presented to you is a opportunity to be blessed.

Its unfortunate that when things go wrong in our lives we forget that we are blessed. We are blessed EVERYDAY, of EVERY MINUTE, of EVERY HOUR. When we can't stand our boss we are blessed to have a job. When we curse our co-pay while we wait in the doctor's office we are blessed with good health. When we are vex over going over our minutes we are blessed with good friends and family that always want to talk to us. When we are trying to drown out the sound of our mother's nagging we are blessed to have parents who care about us. I mean I could go on and on (no really I could). But the next time you are pooper scooping your dog and it looks like the pooch had a bad Mexican burrito... think about all those long days at work when you come home and they are ALWAYS excited to see you. How often does THAT happen with a significant other, family member or your kid? I mean to them you are the next best thing since sliced bread and when you walk into a room you make them the happiest pooch in the world.
So stop suffering from OneTree-itis(Eve suffered from it. She could have any tree in the Garden of Eden but all she could focus on is the one tree she couldn't eat from). Count your blessings. All that is good and right far outweigh all that isn't. And of course remember that you are blessed to bless others so PASS IT ON...

I concur. Your views reflect a wisdom far beyond your years. It is very difficult, while faced with adversities, to be mindful of all the good that surrounds us. Our problems seem to over shadow everything that is sublime and it consumes our mind. During these trying times, it is wise to remember our blessings/strengths. These are the tools that we need to guide us through the valley of darkness.
ReplyDeleteSonia you betta preach!!! :) You know, dealing with losing my family's home from the fire, then a month later the passing of my aunt, most definately put life into better perspective for me and I agree with you 110%! I could have cursed the world, crying why me, but instead I searched for the meaning of the ordeal. I learned that there was no better time to deal with issues like death and loss than during medical school. That seemingly evil ordeal turned into a positive - one that would help me be more empathetic with my patients when they present with similar scenarios. I am a firm believer that there is positivity behind every situation life presents us. It's up to us however to pray on the matter, be mature enough and enlighten ourselves enough to figure out what that message is.
ReplyDeleteGreat work Lil' Sis! EEE-YIP! :)