I'll admit it I chose those crap-like guys despite clear warning signs of their crappy behavior. But I'm not entirely to blame. This was years of brainwashing at work that I am trying to undue in six months time. Its like that scene in the movie 'He's Just Not That Into You' where the little girl gets treated like crap and her mom tells her "Ohhh no he likes you that's why he is being mean to you" (paraphrased don't quote me or try to sue you'll get NOTHING). I've heard that a couple times from various friends and family members. And though they all meant well: They planted a bad seed.
I am not going to pretend as though I had no control myself but hey bad habits are hard to break! But no I am not going to discuss my attraction to crap-like guys now (we've got plenty of time for that). What I've noticed recently is one particular warning signal I was missing before I took time out to focus on me. Like previously stated I haven't had any issues meeting guys but outside of not being able to hold my interest they do something else that annoys me. They are so LAZY!!
I can get a bit lazy from time to time. As we speak I have yet to return a call to someone who called and left a message on my cell phone about two weeks ago (Eh what can I say I'm just not that into him). But I find it mind boggling the way some guys will take the leap and go on about how much they are into me and then: nothing. I mean the inspiration for this blog spoke to me for a solid hour about how disappointed he was that he couldn't go out with me till July; amogst other things. Only to say to me: "Make sure you call me when July comes". Ummm... YOU want to date ME right? Why am I supposed to call you? CRAP. Or maybe dude who wanted to 'explore possibilities', 'rekindle a old flame' but has yet to make more than one phone call or (when I was dating) attempted to show a girl a good time? CRAP.

Now please don't get me wrong these guys aren't horrible. They are smart and they are definitely interesting enough to hold my interests, good looking, and I enjoy conversing with them. And I am NOT just saying that because there is the serious possibility that they are reading this right now haha! (Sorry guys your fab-tastic really; but your going to have to step your game up if you indeed are serious.) These guys could get my time; IF they were willing to put in work. But they aren't they are lazy. And in the realest way possible they are in fact 'Just not that into me'.
Within the last couple months I've been lucky enough to realize this phenomenon and not just shrug it off as a ambitious man being busy but definitely interested. Well I feel sorry for the next batch of lazy dudes that hand me that "I'm interested" card. You're going to have to put in work. No I can't date for six month but that doesn't mean I've dropped off the face of the earth. I'm going to expect you to actually show that you care. The bare minimum is no longer good enough.
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