OK so I'm not married. Never have been; not even a proposal. (Which is OK cause I am soooo not ready for that kind of commitment)But I do have hopes of one day getting a proposal and then becoming married (God willing). So I may not be an expert on the whole 'marriage' thing but from a Christian point of view marriage is forever. You know that whole monologue during the ceremony goes a little something like "Thru richer or poorer, sicker and in health, till death due you part"?

Yea so that's a vow that your supposed to be making to God, and those who are witnessing your ceremony. In this day and age marriage isn't taken as seriously as it should be. Which is unfortunate but... I mean honestly.. this site that I was informed about has gone above and beyond madness.
OK yes this is fabulous marketing because the commercials are hilarious and it got me on the site... but on a more serious note are they freaking kidding me? Its one thing if people are off doing it on their own but I don't know. It doesn't sit well with me to know there is a site designed for people who are looking to cheat on their mates. I am positive at some point before the honeymoon began you saw signs of trouble ahead.

Exhibit A and B
Once you have decided to go through with the wedding and get married you have to 'deal with the consequences'. No marriage is all good or all bad. Its easy to obtain a relationship but people fail to realize how hard it is to maintain one. i mean honestly if you took the time to get to know someone and made a commitment to be with them forever despite their faults then you need to stick to it. I let you know this right now: Any guy who gets it into his head that he wants to marry me better be fully aware that he is getting the whole shabang. The good the bad and the UGLY!! Not only is divorce not an option neither is http://www.ashleymadison.com/ or any other off the wall behavior. We have a problem we are going to have to sit and stew and work it out. Because what it all boils down to is for better or for worse, through richer and through poorer, through sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live... YOU ARE STUCK WITH ME!

Here's one for the road.. these commercials are funny though I'll give them that much...
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