I'm a lover of all things Fab-tastic (yes.. that is a made up word but u get the gist)!! And when I first created this blog I knew off the bat that I wanted to pay homage to all fab-tastic blogs that I come across. So from this month forth (I SO was slow on the upkeep in Jan.) there will be a Blog of the month. Whether its about politics, fashion, men, or woman it'll be here. I like em and I hope you will too...
This month's Blog of the month is (drum roll please!) Bourge(oisie) on a Budget. Now there are SO many reasons why I love this blog. As previously stated I don't 'do' shopping. Seriously; I go to the mall with friends and end up sitting outside with all the miserable husbands and boyfriends who wish their significant others will get out of the fitting wrong and go HOME!! Its horrible to watch. I sit and I pace and I whine. The ironic part about all of this is pretty much every guy I've dated has been into shopping (not hetero like.. more like metro like haha) and so I've been dragged to the mall by a significant other a time or two. The whining usually gets me out of it. But I digress this isn't about me its about Bourge!
Why I love this blog:
(1) Its on a Budget!! I love all things free and have a strong like for things that are a bargain price. My sisters call me cheap but... *shrug*
(2) It has RELEVANT budget items. Like the blog called "Late Discoveries" that revealed Reed Diffusers for me. I had got some as a gift and I had NO IDEA what they were or how to use them. I love burners and couldn't figure out where I was supposed to light the reed!
(3) It stresses the importance of financial planning. I was all for spending as little as possible when possible but I was HORRIBLE at saving. After going through this blog and hearing about the author (Who is equally fab-tastic might I add) doing a little financial planning I decided to get into the movement as well. I've started saving for short and long term things that I didn't think were important!!
(4) Its socially conscience!! The blog called "Supermarket Shuffle" highlights the lack of healthy foods in supermarkets in lower income areas. Areas where the residents are more likely to suffer from diabetes, high pressure, heart disease, etc. How can they be expected to make healthy food choices when the neighborhood (and possibly only accessible supermarket) serves high cholesterol, high fructose corn syrup, high calorie, and high PRICE items?
(5) It makes fashion interesting for even the likes of ME!
Some reasons why you may not agree with my Blog choice for Blog of the month:
(1) When she blogs its always great.. But she is so fab-tastic that she is busy and doesn't update enough!! SHOLLY!!! Don't do us this way!
(2) She's my sorors so you may think I'm biased... hahaha Hey think what you want but the blog is fab!
Now be a good reader and check out the blog. Even if you don't agree with me on all of this I'm sure you'll find something useful on her blog to dig into. www.bourgeoisieonabudget.blogspot.com
If you know of a blog that is fab-tastic please let me know. I'll check it out and who knows it could be next month's Blog of the Month
My daily, weekly, monthly musings... Sometimes uplifting, sometimes thought provoking, sometimes hilarious. All the time real.
This is who I am...

- Somethin Special...
- Love it or Hate it... Its my story and in some ways its yours too.. SomethinSpecialBlog@Gmail.com
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