I hate general education requirements. I do.. I really do. A bunch of classes that you HAVE to take.. and you also HAVE to pay for. It would be one thing if upon enrollment to University they gave you this list of classes you must take and offered to pay for them as well but its quite another when your expected to foot the bill. I mean really? I have to pay for the class... AND the books too. Its a bit much. So its unnecessary but I'll say it: I put off my GenEds until the last possible moment. So much so that by the time my senior year was coming up I had about 3-4 classes that I hadn't fulfilled (Oops?)

I had to think fast. I was not going to fill up my courses my senior year. To make matters worse one of the courses I needed to do was Foreign Language. Not only did I have to do a semester it was an entire year of classes FOUR days a week. Ummmm Excuse me???
So of course.. I did what any self respecting College Student would do. I quickly got close to an Administrator who could give me a shortcut (Ewww get your minds out of the gutter!). So one week later I had concocted the perfect scheme. I got 3 GenEds thrown into my complete file by deciding to jump on a plane and head out to Europe. I mean seriously isn't it better to learn while DOING? I was just being a responsible student. How best to get that writing, foreign language, and European history credit knocked out than by hanging out in a cafe in Florence with a cute Italian that refers to me as Bella?? And oooooo how the Italians loved me... They appreciate these curves!!
*wraps up my Italian version of 'doing the butt'* Yea so what I loved most about Italy beyond the food and the people was..THE MUSIC. I mean Grande Baboomba I have NO idea what he is saying beyond talking about how fly shorty is but it would come on in the club 'Central Park' and I would be screaming 'Arriba!! Arriba!! Arriba!!' at the top of my lungs. I got off the plane at JFK with so many CDs its insane. I wish I could litter this blog with all of my favorite songs but that's a bit OD.. So I leave you with 'Sere Nere' by Tiziano Ferro (My FAVORITE Italian artist hands down).
The song is about the sadness he feels after a break up. How intensely he feels the absence of his sweetie. Its a great song and after playing the CD continuously I had all my siblings singing along in the house that summer of 2004. In English the name means: Black Nights The chorus goes a little something like *clears throat*:
Di sere nere (about the black nights)
Che non c'è tempo (cause there's not much time)
Non c'è spazio (there's not much space)
E mai nessuno capirà (and nobody will ever understand)
Puoi rimanere (you may stay)
Perché fa male male (cause it hurts)
Male da morire (hurts really badly)
Senza te (being without you)
Song is so bad @$$... I'd have my headphones on hanging out at the Brooklyn Promenade pretending I'm looking out over the Arno river in Florence singing the song all loud in fluent Italian. Yea.. it was a strange sight I'm sure. But... Music transcends language
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