On November 4Th 2007 I became Saved. I hadn't been to church for worship, REALLY prayed, basically done anything above the bare minimum of practicing any religion in so many years. I had been feeling the urge to go back for a couple months and it didn't hurt that my boyfriend at the time was 'into' God. We'd go thru the ritualistic 'How's your day' and I started to look forward to hearing how his Sundays were going. I mean to the point where I wanted to see about creating my own Sundays.
Well i walked into church that Sunday morning (after a all night party... I might still of had cold in my eyes but I digress...) and sat through the whole service and I'm like dang this man been stalking me? How he know my life? I mean I started checking my bag thinking dude had a wire tap or something laced in my wallet. Turning around in my seat trying to see if he had someone following me who was laying low in the back. Yo! I jumped when he said "Turn to your neighbor and tell 'em 'He talking about somebody you know'". I HAD to go up during the alter call. And when I went up there (half dragged by who I now refer to as my Spiritual Counselor) I bawled.. Like a baby. I mean you know its real tears when there is the snot running down your nose and you can't even bother to wipe it you just let it run. I was bawling. Before I completely lost it and reverted back to the kindergarten lick and slurp (You guys remember that move right? When the crying is getting out of control and u just mop it with your bottom lip Its a Kindergarten Classic) somebody handed me a Kleenex I cleaned myself up said Amen and my life was changed.
No I didn't change over night. I was still doing things I probably shouldn't... (I still do now! I tell SC all the time "I'm a New Christian gimmie a minute to get the hang of this I'm a work in progress.") But I was eating up the Word. I'd leave church feeling renewed and enlightened. And I understood that EVERY time I went to Church and I thought Pastor was talking exclusively for me that he was... (and to the person sitting in the seat next to me and behind me.) God is so awesome that way. There could be hundreds of people in the Church. Pastor could use the same words he used in every service that day... and God makes sure YOU got your message.
I think back to when I wasn't saved and I heard that question: What would Jesus do? I laughed so hard. I thought it was such a funny joke. I take that question so seriously now. I ask myself that question about three or four times a day. And I don't mean Jesus the Dominican at my corner store who usually knows which bag of chips I'm craving today. I'm talking Jesus Christ, Jah, Jehovah Jireh, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, My God, Mi dupes: JC!! I get the feeling to let dude on the train know that it isn't OK to sneeze anywhere near my direction in a very LOUD manner... I think: What would Jesus do? And I hand him some hand sanitizer and a Kleenex.
I don't claim to be the most learned Christian. I can't quote every scripture at the drop of a dime. I slip and curse (Father forgive me) when i get upset. And I struggle everyday when someone irritates me to not with a great sense of love lay a hand on them suddenly. But I try to do things God's way always. I leave you with this scripture I had to memorize soon as I got saved: Trust in the Lord with ALL thy heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV) Cause once I started doing that... Trust... My path was crooked but its getting real straight....
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