As I browsed thru this afternoon a article title caught my eye: Growing Hate groups blame Obama, Economy ( Now I finished reading the article that I was presently browsing but immediately clicked the link when I finished up with the Beverly Hillers who are now Hillbillies. I was barely halfway thru the article before I was absolutely certain I'd be blogging about it. And though you may not have realized it (yet) I love to give my opinion... even if it wasn't asked tehe. But I digress onward to this little thing I like to call....
Its such an ugly word, isn't it? Well its ugly inside and out. As an African American female it isn't something I'm not familiar with. Whether it emanates from someone of a different race, class, gender, or worst yet from someone who looks and is just like me it is ugly. The offense can be big or small any form that it comes in I can't stand. Its wrong and there is no excuse for it... Which is why this particular article left me a bit peeved.
According to the hate groups of America they are becoming ever popular now because of our new Prez and the downturn of the economy. Which I will say isn't so far-fetched. Some people are downright LIVID that the new face of America is that of one similar to those who have been oppressed by this country for years. The Southern Poverty Law center released a report today showing an increase in the number of hate groups in America citing the recent inauguration and the downward spiral of our economy as one of the main reasons for the rise. One website interviewed by CNN reported an increase of 20,000 new members the day after the election up from 80 new members a day. And with the growing number of attacks on Hispanics in the Tri-state area alone there is significant rage against the immigrant community.
"We fear these conditions will favor the growth of these groups in the future," said Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project. "In the long arch of history, we are definitely moving forward, but these kinds of events can produce backlashes." (Thanks for that snippet!!) Don Black (former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard and current owner of a popular White Nationalist website) claims those who were complacent and just a little perturbed are motivated now to do something since the election.

Ummmm huh? I'm sorry did we offend you when we demonstrated that we would no longer hold ourselves back in order to feed your misguided idea of superiority? I find that a little hard to take. Honestly I think some people who were undercover bigots, Neo-Nazis, Klan's men, and skinheads have just decided to be a bit more open about their dislike of minorities. People didn't just become this way because Barack showed up and some fat cats on Wall Street got a little too greedy. Oh no, they were probably always that way and this was the straw that broke the camels back. Now they are more motivated to cut the sheet and throw it over their head instead of silently agreeing with that openly racist co-worker.

Well unfortunately for these individuals whether they are new-haters or just those who have become more open about their hate.. we aren't going anywhere. We as a people (and not just African-Americans: ALL minorities) are becoming bigger and brighter and we are not satisfied with hanging on the sidelines any longer. WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant for those of you a lil slow on the upkeep) is not in season. If that angers you *shrug*. Makes you want cut breathing holes into your sheets *shrug*. Spurs you on to light a couple crosses on fire and leave a couple nooses hanging *shrug*. A new America is emerging. Those photos of Uncle Sam may still LOOK like you but trust me he has a NEW attitude. I say if you want to come out in droves.. BRING IT ON SUCKAS!!

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