Ok so for those of you that read this blog and have the pleasure of knowning me personally you guys KNOW I can get DEEP into the issues sometimes. When I feel that someone has been wronged or God forbid someone has wronged me I will go hard. Sometimes I can get a lilttle carried away even if I find out that i'm wrong (My mom calls me "Wrong and Strong" thinks I should of been a lawyer) but sometimes I seriously can't help myself. I don't know why the thought to create entries under this label didn't occur to me when I first created the blog but better late than never. I give you: My 22 Cents... Sometimes I may be speaking right to you other times you may want to slap me across the back of my head but you can always respect my opinion because regardless if you comment or not I will respect yours. I'll just know I'm right and your wrong haha!
Now I got to work this morning and logged into Stalker's Paradise (facebook.com) only to see a friend of mine had this link http://community.essence.com/profiles/blogs/troubling-cartoon-new-york in his status. Upon pressing said link I experienced the following emotions: shock, anger, hurt, and anger once again. Honestly I'm not surprised the NYPost has always been questionable 'newspaper'. (And who is surprised that the NY Post is owned by News Corporation who also owns Fox News, Fox Television Network, TV Guide and other media outlets?? NOT ME!!)I don't buy it and I don't read it even if someone gives it to me for free. I wouldn't even use it to wipe my bum!! But today this particular drawing worked my nerve even more than their usual antics. Why you ask? Because I hate having to tell clueless people that shiznit like this still goes on in 2009!!

I have this thing that I do when I meet a guy. I usually give them a name and he is referred to by said name when I speak to different friends about him. You've got "Mr. Text" "Mr. Enigma/Mr. Hollywood" "Precious Memories" and "Non-Selassie I" to name a few. But one guy in particular had a long name but I will forever refer to him as such because he boggled my mind so: "The boy who didn't think racism exist". African American male, mid twenties, college educated, and of West Indian Descent no less. And he was certain racism was something of the past. Now to be quite honest after finding this out through a conversation with him he was automatically dropped from my mental dating list. For the life of me I couldn't understand how he could come to such a conclusion.
But I have met others like him since meeting him a few years back who share the same views. They truly do NOT believe racism exist. Even with cartoons like this coming out every other minute and the comments made by some Americans during the election. They truly DO NOT believe we live in a society where racism is present. Which I for some reason cannot understand. With all the overt and undercover happenings in today's society... *Shaking my head* How can they NOT see what is right in front of their faces?!
I feel as a country we have made great strides in the last few years to break down barriers so that we and our future generations can live in a country that TRULY believes: All men are created equal. I mean yes we DO have a black president. But the race was close for awhile. I mean honestly. If the tables had been turned and Barack had McCain's credentials (or lack their of) would he of even made it to the primaries? Well I for one doubt it. YES I do believe that we as African Americans have to work TWICE as hard to get what others can have handed to them. YES I do racism exist. And also.. I do believe that YES WE CAN get rid of it. But sorry folks TODAY is not that day.
To write a letter to the NYPost letting them know how you feel about this cartoon please send a letter to letters@NYPost.com or go to http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/letters/letters_editor.htm
I saw that cartoon and was very enraged and the first question i asked my self was "how did that get past the editor? but i came to my senses and realized the the heads of most of these corporations are the from the "jim crow" era. I agree, racism is very much alive in this day and age. That dude that believes racism doesn't exits anymore, has he ever left his house? I mean come on, to be totally oblivious to it! what type of closed world do you live in? ...i guess for him, ignorance is bliss, SMDH.