I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY CHURCH!! **insert deep breath hear** Oh that feels so much better. I was going to start this entry off with some witty background story but I honestly couldn't WAIT to tell you that. I have been holding that sentence in since I got out of service. That's not to say that it isn't something I've said before. I say it at least twice a week but in light of some conversations I've been having lately the chance to SHOUT IT OUT LOUD has consumed me. What better way to shout it out loud than to throw it up on this blog for all the world to see? Well now that I've gotten that out of the way let me tell you what brought it on and get into the why I'm so in love with my church.
With Lent having started last month I've been forced to have more conversations about being a Christian. Having to explain to people why I've given up certain things for Lent, why I'd be a christian in the first place. Or my absolute favorite conversation: Why I bother to go to church. These questions have lengthy answers so hear are the abbreviated versions. To answer the Lent question simply read this: http://speakresponsibly.blogspot.com/2009/02/yes-i-can.html (I mean seriously I explained it already stop being lazy). To answer the Christian question simply: I believe God exists, that the bible is true, and that Jesus Christ REALLY IS the way, the truth and the life.

I grew up going to Church regularly for over 16 years. Participated in the youth group, went to Sunday school, and was even in a bunch of different productions there. But I never read the bible, I didn't know any prayers, I mean I was just THERE. I didn't learn anything and I didn't know anything. No, let me not say that. I knew some bible stories and the basics; but that's about it. I was severely ignorant of God, his word, and all of his Glory.

Since I've started going to my church I have just been racking up spiritual knowledge. I don't just sit there; I actually learn and understand all that my Pastor is saying. I have grown spiritually as well as mentally. I understand why I need to read my bible on a daily basis. I understand why I need to worship and praise God. I know the importance of tithing. I mean it amazes me how I could of been so ignorant for so long and then go to this church for a year and a half and learn so much. My Pastor doesn't just preach at you he preaches and he teaches to you. Sometimes I think he is talking directly to me and we are having our own private conversation. And there are classes that are geared towards different members to strengthen their walk in Christianity. You find out the who, what, when, and why of it all. (I'm taking Foundations right now. I wrapped up Spiritual Growth last year) God Forbid I ever show up to Church without my pad and pen. My Blackberry might just get overloaded with all of my notes.
One thing I didn't like about my old church was that it was so dry. When I say dry it was just DRY! I can't even think of another word that better described my Sundays. The word wasn't delivered with any enthusiasm, the songs were sung with the same lack of praise, and I can't remember any message I got there. I dreaded getting up out of my bed to go their on Sundays. Even though I had a ride there and back I just didn't make it on time because I took as long as possible could to get ready. NOW: I get to Church before service even starts! God forbid I miss praise and worship. When I first started going to my new Church I had to take two buses to get there and I'd truck it rain, snow, sleet, whatever. I just love the services. Even on days when I don't feel well or I am exhausted I drag my behind to Church and I'm always glad I did. The Pastor is excited about the message he was called to give. Not only is the choir enthused when they sing so is the congregation. If you've ever seen me in Church on a Sunday I am usually up singing loud and clapping hard!! I can't sit still I just have to get up and praise. Youth Sundays RHO-ck!!

The best part about my church? GOD IS IN THIS HOUSE!! The spirit is so strong there. Honestly before going to my church I had my reservations because it is a very big church. I came from a small Church and I thought it would feel cold. But he is definitely in that house. Some Churches I've been to in the past I could NOT feel God there. I was not moved by the spirit and I definitely did not hear a good word. The first Sunday I spent at my Church I was moved to tears. I felt God around and inside of me. I could hear the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear. It is not something I have ever experienced in my entire life. I had my first God moment. It is something that I have become used to not only IN my church but outside of it as well. I'm more in tune to the Trinity (The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit) now.
But please do not confuse anything I am saying: My Church is not perfect. I'm sure there are hypocrites there. But I don't go for them. I go for God (And boy do I get him!). The Church is not about my Pastor its about GOD. He runs that house. My Pastor is not the only person there who is rich with anointing to deliver the word. One monkey don't stop this show.
I don't know how else to explain to you my sincere love for my Church. I mean before I move I'd have to take into consideration the possibility of having to go to another Church which is NO BUENO. It's hard to find a great place of worship. When I put my money in the collection basket each Sunday I feel so proud that I am helping my Church continue to celebrate Christ in culture. I recognize that I am blessed EVERY day (not just Sunday) because of my Church and that is probably the #1 reason I love my Church. And boy does it feel so GOOD to be in love...
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