**Sips on said wine** I really prefer white but I digress... My latest crush is definitely someone who appeals to the more mature me. The ability to eat paste and not upchuck or rock a fly outfit no longer have the ability to make me swoon. I am pulled in by deeper more meaningful stuff. Like an interest in social justice, ambition, and a smile that shows off great teeth; you know, the stuff that matters. But this guy is different. He just appeals to me in so many different ways. Not only does he look good he is so intelligent. And BOY am I a sucker for a nerd!! The ability to stimulate me mentally is so sexxi to me. I can become bored very quickly when I date so someone who can hold my attention for longer than two weeks doesn't happen very often....
So basically I spotted him across the room of a crowded bar/lounge. I had seen him before but I don't know in my attempt to block out my rowdy drunken friends ( I don't drink I go for the company ha ha) I took a deeper look at said crush. I listened intently to the words he was so eloquently blessing all those lucky enough to hear... and I was hooked. As the minutes, weeks, and months past I found myself going to extreme lengths to be in his presence. To hear everything he had to say: his wants, his needs, his opinions on what others said. Then one night as I sat in my living room replaying another one of his conversation I realized... I had a crush on Anderson Cooper.
**sigh** Now I have been on one or two dates with white guys and none have ever made me want to really cross that line.. But.. Mr. Cooper he's someone I definitely referred to in my pre-saved days as: Someone Who Can Get IT. **fans herself** I mean come on look at that stare... and when he opens his mouth and speaks my ears perk up to catch everything he has to say. His spirit is so adventurous. Did you know that he made a fake press pass back when he was low on the journalism pole to get into Burma (Think Southeast Asia) and met up with other students fighting the government, made some homemade stories and sold them to Channel One? Come ON!! Talk about having a passion. Now I may not be like some women who take their crush on him a big further....
But I will say this if he gay (like some believe), I don't get married and the opportunity arises.. I may be willing to let him father some of my children. That man got some GREAT genes!
You my dear are hilarious...lol I thought it was the return of the beef patty