It started sometime around 12AM.. I don't know why. I just felt very off kilter. I spent longer than usual trying to fall asleep. I tossed and turned for hours. I woke up and fell back to sleep at least twice. I chalked it up to having not finished a conversation with someone I was interested in. Brushed that dirt off my shoulder and finally at some point was able to fall asleep.
By morning I wake up reach for my glass and they break right in my hands. RIGHT IN MY HANDS!! I look at the clock and after staring at it squinting for a few seconds I realize I was supposed to leave the house 20minutes before. At that moment I realize the enemy is after me today. I knew I was going to be hit a couple of times today and I vowed not to let him win.
I try in vain to fix my glasses to no avail. I then proceed to get myself together and leave the house to head to work. I call my boss to let her know I will be late to which she informs me that I'm in charge today as she has a headache and is running late as well. I get off the train near my job to the realization that I have voicemail. Its my older sister; she is also late for work someone jumped in front of her train this morning...
I arrive at the office with a brewing headache and a sense of foreboding. I find out the closest Len Crafters to my job is about 35-40mins away but its a troupe I will make during my lunch break. Its looking like over $400 are needed to fix the classes. For some strange reason I find myself holding back tears on more than two different occasions and its not even 12PM yet. My heart just feels so heavy. I can't figure out why I am feeling so down. I know I said I feel like the enemy is after me but geez I can't pin point something specific to have me feeling this way right now. Broken glasses are not enough. And lord I do feel for however it is that felt the need to jump in front of a moving train but I don't know. I feel the need for a ice cream sundae, and a hug. I'm building up my spiritual arsenal today people... For some reason I have a strange feeling that the days troubles have only begun. *le sigh* May the Lord be with me.
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