But we don't know these people. We know OF them and at most we know them on a very surface level. We don't know their history, what brings them joy or what grieves them to their soul. Now please don't misunderstand me. We do connect with a few people at work or at school but not everyone. When they are discussed outside of the confines of work/school/etc. we say we know them. When in actuality we know OF them.
This is parallel to the relationship some have with God. If you ask them if they know Him they'll say yea I know God when in actuality they know OF Him. To get to know God you need to know His word. To truly saturate and meditate on God's word is one of the easiest ways to get to know Him. Going to Church and having fellowship with other believers is another way you can do this as well. All of this should be done in conjuction with pursing a personal relationship with Him.
Some will say God is everywhere so all of that 'extra-ness' is not necessary. But again you may see your co-worker everyday and not know s/hr harbors suicidal thoughts. You may see your neighbors children everyday and not know that they are being sexually abused. You may see your classmates every day for years and not know the highs and lows of their lives beyond the classroom.
If you truly want to KNOW God start with his Word. You find the Bible daunting? Try reading a different translation. I have the NIV (New International Version) that I take to service and Bible Study. But I use The Message Bibleto read at my leisure because it is written the way we talk in the 21st century. Go to a Church service and soak up the message He has passed to the ministry. And spend time with Him through prayer and meditation. Some find prayer daunting as well but all it is at its most basic form is talking to God. How else can you get to know someone if not by talking to them? And don't be an alligator (big mouth with no ears); don't spend all your time talking spend some time listening as well. Meditate on His word, the message you receive through Church and/or bible study, and that which you hear from the Holy Ghost.
In this way you can truly say with confidence the next time your asked 'Do you know God?': Yes! Continuously strive to get to know Him even better as time passes. We are constantly revolving as people but God is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be tomorrow. The more you get to know him the more you begin to know yourself. As you well know the best way to understand the creation is by knowing the creator. And while your at it, try to get to know your colleagues, classmates and neighbors too.
Beautiful post. I know I need to take some more time out to really get to know the ONE MAN who has not, nor will forsake me. I spend so much tme trying to get to know "others", and I forget to spend time with the true lover of my soul. Thank you for this post... it def. reminded me of somethings in my life I need to get together.