Well it's really hard to pinpoint just how people really feel about Gay Marriage. I'm a man who usually has no problem letting people know my opinion on things, and even my opinion isn't a stern one, it's not really set in stone. Here's what I do know:
Marriage as a holy sanctuary (not sure if that's the word, institution i guess works a bit better) is pretty much dead. No offense to those reading this who are married, who got married in a church with the white dress and the cake and the party and the bouquet and the whole shebang. Of course there's still people who do that, and a lot, in fact i would say you are the majority of the weddings that go on. However, while you are doing the whole story book wedding, with the vow readings and the people crying and all that, there's someone who drove to Las Vegas and got married to their "spouse" without even getting out of their car (chapelsoflasvegas.com). This happy couple is, by law, just as married as you, and spent less than $300 (that's a good @$$ deal if you ask me); you probably spent that much on the shoes that go with your dress.
Aside from the elopers who have run off to get married and didn't invite anyone, there's also the people who get married in city hall. Now they separated church and state a long time ago, and at the base of it all, marriage now is a legal matter, filing joint tax returns and other junk like that. You can go with your spouse and get married in City Hall (as now made famous by Sex and the City the movie) for the right price of like $40 (now THAT is a deal!) with all your IDs ready.
These are two ways that pretty much "take the piss" out of marriage, it makes it kind of difficult to still consider your fancy shamancy wedding doesn't it? Oh it doesn't? You still wanna get the whole nine yards wedding with the huge party and the open bar (if it's not an open bar I'm not coming, simple)? OK, well consider THIS then: 50% of marriages nowadays fail within the first 2 years.
Marriage as a holy sanctuary (not sure if that's the word, institution i guess works a bit better) is pretty much dead. No offense to those reading this who are married, who got married in a church with the white dress and the cake and the party and the bouquet and the whole shebang. Of course there's still people who do that, and a lot, in fact i would say you are the majority of the weddings that go on. However, while you are doing the whole story book wedding, with the vow readings and the people crying and all that, there's someone who drove to Las Vegas and got married to their "spouse" without even getting out of their car (chapelsoflasvegas.com). This happy couple is, by law, just as married as you, and spent less than $300 (that's a good @$$ deal if you ask me); you probably spent that much on the shoes that go with your dress.
Aside from the elopers who have run off to get married and didn't invite anyone, there's also the people who get married in city hall. Now they separated church and state a long time ago, and at the base of it all, marriage now is a legal matter, filing joint tax returns and other junk like that. You can go with your spouse and get married in City Hall (as now made famous by Sex and the City the movie) for the right price of like $40 (now THAT is a deal!) with all your IDs ready.
These are two ways that pretty much "take the piss" out of marriage, it makes it kind of difficult to still consider your fancy shamancy wedding doesn't it? Oh it doesn't? You still wanna get the whole nine yards wedding with the huge party and the open bar (if it's not an open bar I'm not coming, simple)? OK, well consider THIS then: 50% of marriages nowadays fail within the first 2 years.
What does fail mean in this situation? It means divorce, yea I said it, DIVORCE. Let's think about it, how many people do you know whose parents are still together? There's a really good chance there aren't that many, i for one can only think of a few, my parents included. And the weird thing about that is, these people aren't even our generation! Our generation gets divorced even more! I was driving around the other day and saw a sign for a divorce lawyer, he was offering great prices to get divorced, not to mention, you can get divorced without the spouse's signature. WHAT! So he or she can be out of a marriage without even knowing! This is the society we live in folks...
OK so the institution, the holy one, is now out the door: it's not holy anymore, it's just a legal thing, and chances are you're gonna get divorced anyways (2 years is actually a lot shorter than 'til death do us part' most times, trust me, i looked it up). So let's say, just for argument's sake, it's just a legal thing, getting tax incentives and blah blah, and just for kicks, we'll say the people are in love, why can't two dudes get to do the same thing? Truthfully speaking i think its really stupid for people to Vote on whether someone can get married or not...i feel like we should be using our votes to decide real matters, and not whether people can get married or not.
Now i understand why the nay-sayers are complaining. I do. They don't think two men or two women should get married because it's the opposite of a holy thing, marriage being the union of a man and woman. And you know what, you're right. Originally, marriage was a holy union between a man and a woman, which I think, even if you get married in a drive-thru, still holds true. So don't let them get married in a church then, that seems fair. No one gets married in a church anymore anyways, that's so 2003. If you're a person who doesn't want gay people to marry, think about this, what is going to happen to YOU if two women you don't know get married? You're not going to the wedding (you're not invited), so what's the problem? I honestly don't have time to worry about what everyone else is doing, the way I figure it, if it doesn't hurt me in anyway, do your thing. This is 2009, the only people who wanna get married are gay anyways!
OK so the institution, the holy one, is now out the door: it's not holy anymore, it's just a legal thing, and chances are you're gonna get divorced anyways (2 years is actually a lot shorter than 'til death do us part' most times, trust me, i looked it up). So let's say, just for argument's sake, it's just a legal thing, getting tax incentives and blah blah, and just for kicks, we'll say the people are in love, why can't two dudes get to do the same thing? Truthfully speaking i think its really stupid for people to Vote on whether someone can get married or not...i feel like we should be using our votes to decide real matters, and not whether people can get married or not.
Now i understand why the nay-sayers are complaining. I do. They don't think two men or two women should get married because it's the opposite of a holy thing, marriage being the union of a man and woman. And you know what, you're right. Originally, marriage was a holy union between a man and a woman, which I think, even if you get married in a drive-thru, still holds true. So don't let them get married in a church then, that seems fair. No one gets married in a church anymore anyways, that's so 2003. If you're a person who doesn't want gay people to marry, think about this, what is going to happen to YOU if two women you don't know get married? You're not going to the wedding (you're not invited), so what's the problem? I honestly don't have time to worry about what everyone else is doing, the way I figure it, if it doesn't hurt me in anyway, do your thing. This is 2009, the only people who wanna get married are gay anyways!

By Omni
Great job, thats how I feel about it guest blogger. Its like they dangle "be straight or you cant get married" over someones head. At the end of the day asking a gay person to be straight is like asking a straight person to be gay, thats something you just can't do.
ReplyDeleteYour argument sounds like you think marriage has lost it's values and is a joke so that's why gay people should be able to marry. It's true some people may not respect marriage, but there are those out there who still do. I believe in gay marriage whether the institution is considered a mockery or not.