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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saddle Up!

**Morning Ladies and Gents! I wasn't planning on hitting the blog with any updates until after the Holiday Season but this devotional I got in my box this morning was too powerful NOT to send. So please enjoy and have a blessed and happy new years eve!!**

Saddle Up
Milan Ford

Well, here we are. Today is Thursday, December 31st
The very last day of the year 2009. And what a year it was.

It seems like only yesterday that many of us joined up with millions of people across the nation this time last year to gather inside of our respective local churches for some form of New Year's Eve or Watch Night Service. And although there are times when the variations of our church annual themes and proclamations can make God sound a bit schizoid to the ears of the unbeliever, for the most part, many of us heard a message that evening about the significance of the year 2009

2009. The year of (yep, that's right)......New Beginnings.

From areas of relationships to finance, issues of health and areas of leadership, the hope for a New Beginning was indeed high on the hearts and minds of believers both young and old this year.

Now I am not in any way what you call the greatest practitioner of biblical numerology, but last year around this time, I remember doing a little research about the significance of the number nine (9).

What I found was actually very interesting. The number nine (9) literally means: to bring to an end. In fact, in one instance, I found that the number (9) means: to bring a judgment (or conclusion) to. I think I'll repeat that one more time...

To bring to an end.
To bring to a conclusion.
To bring a judgement to.

Those aren't exactly the kind of words people pack out a sanctuary or tear up a few pews in order to hear at the beginning of a new year. New Year phrases like 'the year of divine favor,' or 'the year of a new beginning' tend to have a better ring to them.

About a month or so ago, I heard probably one of the most powerful faith statements I had ever heard in my life. It is one that I pray becomes a staple for every believer reading this devotional today as we prepare for the beginning of a new year.

"God's sovereignty does not excuse our apathy."

While I realize we all are looking forward to a great harvest in 2010, please know that this harvest in many respects will be a result of the seeds we have sown throughout 2009.

2009 (for many of us) should have been a year to put an end to our excuses. A year that you and I should have ceased from blaming any oppressor (spiritual or natural) from hindering us from accomplishing the goals and dreams we set out for earlier this year.

2009 was not a year to be lazy. Or vulnerable. This year (for many of us) should have been a year that many of us for the first time in our lives became (sorry for the dirty word here)... responsible.

On tonight, be careful not to become too consumed with asking God (yet again) to begin some new things in your life, without examining the things He has also told you to bring to an end this year.

You still have a few hours left to cancel some of those credit cards you know you need to stop using. A few hours left to 'unfriend' that person you know God has told you to stop chatting with online. A few hours left to email that proposal you've been sitting on now for weeks to your boss.

In fact, there's even a few hours to call that relative of yours you know God has told you to apologize to and mend the relationship. It may be tough to do, but it is time to get it done.

I realize there are a plethora of scriptures many of us will probably be given on tonight concerning what God may have in store for us next year, but I want to give you one that my wife and I have already taken on as a personal challenge for our family throughout 2010.

It's a dangerous one, so please don't write it down if you're not prepared for it just yet.

"If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with the horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?" Jeremiah 12:5-6

Ladies and gentlemen, whether you and I are ready or not, 2010 is here. For many of us, this will be a year that many of the things we have prayed for throughout this year will come to pass. However, for those of us who are still holding on to things (and people) God has told us to get rid of, and for those of us who have allowed 2009 to be a year where our apathy and discontentment for where our lives are right now get the best of us, then what in the world are we going to do when the 'horses' arrive?

If God decides to bless you in 2010 with that 'new job' you've been asking for, are you prepared for it? If God decides to bless your business or church with incredible growth in 2010, did you position yourself properly this year to receive it? Or perhaps for some of you reading this today who are still waiting for God to send you a spouse, will you be able to identify him or her when they come, or is your focus still on holding on to those 'safe alternatives' from your past?

Family, enough is enough. No more excuses.
To be quite honest...I am tired of making them. And if you're like me, tired of hearing them too.

The horses...are here!! SADDLE UP.

Milan Ford has been a leader (and survivor) of ministry within the local church for most of his life. A lover of Red Vines Licorice and all things pointing North, Milan released his first book, 83 Things I Wish The Black Church Would Stop Doing earlier this month, which was recently ranked #1 on (Religion & Spirituality / African-American). You can find Milan rambling and writing at at
© Milan Ford all rights reserved

Monday, December 14, 2009

I Met Someone

You ever happen upon someone randomly and know that your meant to be friends? Your spirit just takes to them and as you continue to converse with them your initial response is confirmed...? I know what your thinking and no it isn't a man! Lol

I was waiting for the bus in the rain this past Sunday and it was pouring out. I always have an umbrella in my bag but I was sure by the time I got to the bus stop the bus would be pulling up. It wasn't. I'd forgotten that when it rains the bus is always late. It was. I had a hood on and a fairly long coat so I decided to leave the umbrella in the bag since I was sure the bus would arrive right after I pulled it out.

As 5, 10, then 15 minutes roll by the fake feathers on the hood started to drip and my glasses were beginning to fog up. A young woman standing next to me offered to share her umbrella with me. For half a second I almost declined and just pull out my own but something told me to accept her offer. I smiled and graciously thanked her saying she must have noticed the fog on my glasses. We got a good laugh out of that and began to idly chat with one another.

Turns out she was also headed to my Church for the 1pm service due to missing the 1030. And as the bus came and we settled in for the ride we discovered we had a lot more in common. So much so that after awhile I informed her that we were obviously twins.

I tell you this story (especially my fellow sisters brown, yellow, white, etc.) because we need to be more open to the ones we meet in the street every day. Over the last few months I've met and become very good friends with 3 women not including the one I met this past Sunday.
Now I know a few people will be quick to remind me that some females are triflin and give it time and her inner she devil may reveal itself. This may be true; but I honestly doubt it. I've been a pretty good judge of character for awhile and her spirit is good. Granted no one is perfect and we all piss our friends off from time to time so I know I didn't meet an angel.

Every woman needs a couple good solid girlfriends. And there is nothing wrong with the friends we already have. But sometimes we hold on to those friends we've had for 15+ yrs just because they've stayed around long enough. We've out grown some of them while others have become a part of our families. That doesn't negate opportunities like this one for us to meet and make new friends. I read an article once where it highlighted the different friends women have: the travel buddy, the work friend, the friend who you've known since pre-school, etc. They also mentioned the new friend and stressed the importance of opening oneself up to the possibility of having one. I call them "new best friends".

Granted this young woman I came across may not be my new best friend. But something tells me the potential is there for her to become a good friend. I'm glad I left my umbrella in my bag. And maybe the next time your standing in the rain you should too. Ok I'm rocking dreads and I know my sisters with a perm are NOT feeling that so maybe not! But at the least smile at your fellow sister instead of ice grilling her and fronting like those shoes she has on aren't fab-tastic! She may just be your new best friend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ship is coming in...

Yes I know this is the longest I've been away. I missed you bloggy family! I really have. I've been very focused on preparing myself for some professional endeavors the last few weeks as well as engaging in some personal ones as well. I been working hard guys and my ship is finally coming in.

Professionally I have been working on placing myself in a position to have some very big things happen for me in the next few years. I was studying for my professional license which opens a lot of doors for me. I am happy to report that I took the exam last week and passed that exam! **does her happy dance** I had been preparing to take this exam for over a year. The financial piece and the studying piece were difficult for me. I banned myself from reading books (I'm a serious book worm) as well as put myself under "house arrest". So there was no traveling for months at a time. Both were something I love doing as I read 3-4books a month and usually travel once a month as well. But all that hard work has paid off and I am on my way to fulfilling several goals that when I first made them I felt silly for wanting so much. I've surprised myself but its helped me to gain more faith in my ability to allow God to bless me.

Personally... Mmmm... I'm not sure where even to begin. Lol I was reflecting the other day about how much I've changed. I don't even remember what made me think of it in the first place but the magnitude of that change hit me and wow'd me. This time last year I was in a very bad place; and I was wallowing there. Very few people knew how bad I was and some friends of mine who've known me for 10+ yrs were shocked by how un-Special-like I was. In a way as I began to come out of it I think this blog helped me to get a lot of those toxins out. This year was a transition year for me. I was in the the middle of a storm and with God's help I was able to walk out of it with very few nicks and cuts. I'm stronger, wiser, and better for it. And I would never ask that it had not happened because we must always remember that: all that we go through, the good the bad and the ugly, comes together to make us who we are. And if not for the bad, the ugly, and even the evil we would not realize our own worth or our strength. You cannot truly appreciate your success without acknowledging your failure. And through those success and failures I am making some moves to allow God to bless me with the desires of my heart.

And with all that being said I am truly looking forward to the new year. I first thought 09 wouldn't be that great but it turned into one of the best years of my life and that only allows me to prepare myself for even more great things in 2010. Though I did abandon you and I can't promise it won't happen again I hope you stay around to grow with me next year. We can stumble and fall together and be better for it. Love you and I'll see you around family!