Today is a Special Day for a Special Lady. She is strong, weak, stupid, intelligent, beautiful and sometimes she can be very ugly. Yes she is ME! And today is my birthday!! **insert my impersonation of Crank Yanker's Special Ed here** Its MY Birthday YAYYYYYYYYY Its MY Birthday YAAAYYYYYYYYYY! HAHA I always wanted to get that as a ringtone for my birthday but could never find it... But I digress..

Today I am 26 years wiser and am so grateful for all the family, friends, and enemies who have helped to shape me into the woman I am today. I am especially grateful to my mother/father/stepmother and siblings. They know enough about me to condemn me and choose to love me anyways. To those friends who are more like family who keep me strong and remind me of who I am when I sometimes forgot. And of course to my Heavenly Father for placing those special people in my life and for Him loving me unconditionally even when I thought myself unlovable. Without you I am nothing and will not be able to become anything. I love each and every one of you dearly and wishes peace, love, happiness, and blessing upon you every morning and night.
I know there are some people who don't really celebrate their birthdays. But I consider them to be extremely special. They ARE important. If not for this day you would not have graced the earth. You should take time to celebrate you being here alone. Give thanks to God, give thanks to your Parents, and give thanks to those around you who have helped you get to your age. It is a day to be celebrated and to not do so would be an injustice.
As I grow older every year I also make the choice to become wiser every April 9Th. Contrary to popularity age does not equate to wisdom. There are many a foolish elderly people walking this earth. Each year I try to move forward and make better strides than the year before. I allow myself to continue to 'marinate' so that one day I will be 'seasoned'. I hope all those who share this day (Hugh Hefner, My College Roommate's Mom, Jazzmin Sullivan, Keshia Knight-Pulliam etc.)and all those who have birthdays during this time are able to be enjoy their days to the fullest. And I need you to turn your speakers up high stand up and prepare to dance around the room as I give this gift to you:
Happy birthday hon.. You're fab!! Your blog keeps me grounded and in sync and I love you for it!! many more years of blessings!