So as I was getting ready for work this morning the PIX morning news did their segment where they chat around the table about current issues. Up for discussion today was the recent death of Patrick Swayze (R.I.P. I AM a fan of Too Wong Foo gosh darnit YOU ROCK!) and a pill that may be hitting the market soon. Though I am deeply saddened that not just Hollywood but another family has lost a cherished loved one I don't want to talk about death. There has been far to much of that as is these days. I want to talk about this pill..
This pill that I didn't pay enough attention to get the name of allows you to forget memories. Yes FORGET memories! The painful ones, the embarrassing ones, the ones that even make you blush; on some Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind stuff(Jim Carrey movie. You don't know it? Shame on you!). The pill's basic function is the ability to erode certain parts of the brain that stores memory.
Now a year ago I wouldn't even be posting this entry: 1. I didn't have a blog where would I put it? On the wall of the subway stations? 2. I'd be to busy pre-ordering the pill to sit here and type insightful(?) musings on my blackberry. I'd be feening for such a pill. I'd get up, or rather, not sleep to be the first one on line when they started handing them out I was so desperate to forget certain things. Such a pill would be considered God sent. And THAT is NO BUENO...
Working in the field of Mental Health I'm privy to the knowledge of lots of pills that are helping a lot of people. People who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) could use this pill. I used to counsel Vietnam Veterans who YEARS later would be plagued by memories of fallen comrades or even the atrocities of war. So there is a demographic that could benefit from all this; but what of everyone else? The ones who have no disorders but just things they'd like to forget. This pill I could see being a big seller on the black market. Such a pill would not be good for these people. Some questions brought up with the news team was how do we know which memory we get to lose? You may try to lose the memory of a cheating ex and end up forgetting the first time you rode your bike without the tricycles on it. You might want to forget the time you walked half a block down madison avenue with your skirt tucked in your panties but you forget the first time your husband said "I love you".
And what of those other times you endured something you'd pray to forget but you got a lesson from? You lose the memory you lose the lesson? "There is no coming to consciousness without pain". With the pain now gone is your conscious rid of the ability to discern how to go about a similar situation in the future? I'm an advocate for remembering the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Without becoming bitter you can hold on to all of these memories and learn from them. If you don't remember the feeling of being burned what's going to keep you from sticking your hands in the fire?? How could you share your testimony... if you can't remember it...?
As this is just My 22 Cents I know others may feel differently. What about you...? If you could what would you forget?... And ya know what.. for good measure you should probably list whatever it was... You know.. so when you forget I can remind you just in case you change your mind later haha... :-D
This pill that I didn't pay enough attention to get the name of allows you to forget memories. Yes FORGET memories! The painful ones, the embarrassing ones, the ones that even make you blush; on some Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind stuff(Jim Carrey movie. You don't know it? Shame on you!). The pill's basic function is the ability to erode certain parts of the brain that stores memory.
Now a year ago I wouldn't even be posting this entry: 1. I didn't have a blog where would I put it? On the wall of the subway stations? 2. I'd be to busy pre-ordering the pill to sit here and type insightful(?) musings on my blackberry. I'd be feening for such a pill. I'd get up, or rather, not sleep to be the first one on line when they started handing them out I was so desperate to forget certain things. Such a pill would be considered God sent. And THAT is NO BUENO...
Working in the field of Mental Health I'm privy to the knowledge of lots of pills that are helping a lot of people. People who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) could use this pill. I used to counsel Vietnam Veterans who YEARS later would be plagued by memories of fallen comrades or even the atrocities of war. So there is a demographic that could benefit from all this; but what of everyone else? The ones who have no disorders but just things they'd like to forget. This pill I could see being a big seller on the black market. Such a pill would not be good for these people. Some questions brought up with the news team was how do we know which memory we get to lose? You may try to lose the memory of a cheating ex and end up forgetting the first time you rode your bike without the tricycles on it. You might want to forget the time you walked half a block down madison avenue with your skirt tucked in your panties but you forget the first time your husband said "I love you".
And what of those other times you endured something you'd pray to forget but you got a lesson from? You lose the memory you lose the lesson? "There is no coming to consciousness without pain". With the pain now gone is your conscious rid of the ability to discern how to go about a similar situation in the future? I'm an advocate for remembering the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Without becoming bitter you can hold on to all of these memories and learn from them. If you don't remember the feeling of being burned what's going to keep you from sticking your hands in the fire?? How could you share your testimony... if you can't remember it...?
As this is just My 22 Cents I know others may feel differently. What about you...? If you could what would you forget?... And ya know what.. for good measure you should probably list whatever it was... You know.. so when you forget I can remind you just in case you change your mind later haha... :-D
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