I hate relationship statuses. When your single you always have to explain yours and when your with someone there is always the question of: "do I need to even have it up?" A month or so ago I changed my status on facebook from "Single" to "It's Complicated". I had taken off that notification button where it updates all of your facebook friends about your relationship change over a year ago so it wasn't noticed for awhile. Recently though I've been getting a lot of msgs in my inbox questioning what it meant. One guy even sent me what I assume was a 4 pg letter detailing how he was so much better than dude I am currently with. When I told him I was single and I was just acknowledging that dating in of itself was complicated he proceeded to send me a 10pg letter detailing why I should stop dating weirdos and date him. To which I promptly responded even when u date non weirdos dating is complicated but either way I wasn't interested in dating him.
I can't stand when people lie on their status. A promoter friend of mine used to have "In a Relationship" on his page prior to actually being boo'd up. He used the excuse of a lot of females kept trying to holla at him so he would just put "In a Relationship" to fend them off. I told him to man up and tell them he's just not interested. It was the same thing a friend told me after they witnessed me tell a guy I have a bf just to fend him off. We're all grown enough to let someone know "Hey I'm just not that into you.." But what of those who actually have a significant other (SO)?
Relationship statuses bring so much grief. Before my last relationship there was no facebook or myspace. There was just aol and blackplanet where people barely glanced at your status anyway. So FavX and I didn't have to deal with this whole issue. When I got with Mr. X I changed my status on both fbook and myspace to the delight of some and horror of most. When it was over it went right back to Single. The status was always a cause for concern because his profile on myspace didn't have the option for a status and he wasn't on facebook at the time. I'd always wonder IF he could, would he put it up? And if he didn't what did that say? Or did it say nothing at all. He didn't think it meant anything at all, couldn't understand why I bothered to change mine to in a relationship in the first place. But he sure did make a comment about how fast it changed back to single.
I find that majority of my male friends have the same sentiment. They detest the "Relationship status". One of my friends told me he got into a huge argument with his gf because he was still listed as single on fbook. He felt everyone who needed to know he was in a relationship was already aware. Citing that it was just going to give nosey people something to talk about. But his girlfriend felt it was false advertising. Or even a desire not to claim her. My closest guy friend thinks this argument alone is enough to stay off facebook or myspace and won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
Personally I think if you have an active profile on either site and your in a relationship it should be stated. Facebook gives you the option to put who your in a relationship with; you don't HAVE to. So you can let everyone know yes you have a SO without having people trying to stalk your man/lady. But please take heed don't go from "In a relationship" to "engaged" or even "married" having not clicked that "with" button and filling it out!
What say you good people? Do you care if your current SO claims you online? Is it a big deal? Is social networking ruining your relationship?
Below you will find some other Facebook Relationship rules that are pertinent to your peace of mind!