I've been blessed to have good people around me the majority of my life. Unfortunately some of them aren't to bright. I've noticed that my friends don't know the serious side of me very well. They aren't familiar with the relationship me. I can't blame them as majority of my life I've been single so they have only had glances of what I'm like when in a relationship. What I can blame them for is the asinine reasons I've been getting hooked up with people.

**He doesn't Drink/Smoke: If you didn't know already I don't drink or smoke. Most people who spend time with me find this hard to believe as they sometimes wonder if I'm under the influence (haha its funny cause its true). Truth is I have a natural high. A friend of a friend who knows this about me thought he should set me up with a friend of his who also didn't indulge in those activities. Now upon meeting said gentlemen I told both he and his friend that the fact that we don't drink or smoke doesn't mean its a match made in heaven. The Matchmaker replied that he knew I was a good woman and his friend is a good man so he knows we're right for one another. I decided to just give dude my card figuring I might as well give it a try. He hung around me the entire night we met and it annoyed the crap out of me but I was to nice to ask for my card back. Imagine my surprise when 2 weeks later I got no phone call. The next time I spoke to the Matchmaker I informed him he should leave it to the professionals. I received a phone call from dude that evening *insert exasperated sigh here*. Not only was the call weeks to late the conversation was entirely to dry. There was no spark and most of it was dead air. Now I don't dispute that dude may be a good dude with a horrible internal call clock but he isn't a good dude for me.

**He's Breathing. I truly love dating guys who are alive but seriously every dude with a heart beat isn't going to make mine skip one. I currently play phone tag with a ok guy. He works he calls and text occasionally. He can hold a conversation and has more than the required half a brain. But he is not for ME. As great as a guy could be doesn't mean he will be great for me. I can see him becoming a homeboy that I speak to once or twice a month but uhhhhh... I'm going to actually need a connection.

All of this just to say that my friends apparently suck at picking men for me. They aren't going deeper. Laughter is important. Being a good man is important. Being single is important. But geez people let's try to go a little deeper. If he is single, funny, and always opens the door for a lady that's great but you guys are going to need a lot more to go on than that!
LOl that is hilarious. I think that people can make a match, but not based upon the person being funny, not engaging in like activities, or being alive. I mean if that was the case you would be a good match with every other person in the world. So when it comes to making a match that someone is trying to make you have to know why they think this would be a good person for you and it has to be credible. Like the person can have a similar personality along with similar interests and goals, but just one characteristic doesn't make them a match. Then at the same time you have to watch out for the resume match makers like just because 2 people have a masters degree doesn't make them a good match either. At the end of the day a credible matchmaking friend can be good for you, just have to make sure they know what they are doing to match the personality and interests rather than resumes or one common characteristic. If you go by one thing then you are the perfect match for someone that also rides the train to work in the morning! When you could ride the train to work because you don't have a car and they ride a train because they want to be "green." But I feel your pain on the poor matchmakers I have been out with a guy that looked like Lord Farquhar from Shrek, just because he has a Bachelor's degree (yuk).