*Dances around the Blog* IT'S BLOG OF THE MONTH TIME!!
This month the Blog of the Month is Expression of a Buppie. If you've been keeping up with the blog you know that I read Expressions of a Buppie every so often. I actually came across this blog back in January and it nudged me into the Blogging world. I read it every so often and thought.. "Hey I could do this. I'm opinionated and think people should listen to me haha" The Blog is great though.
A Buppie as some of you well know is a Black Urban Professional. The term is a spin off from the word Yuppie which is a Young Urban Professional. But more often than not its in reference to Caucasians. The blog is basically as its tagline states "Black. Urban. Professional. What is it like to be a 20-something navigating their way through life's maze and giving their 2cents on yours? Sometimes its random,sometimes funny, but at all times its real." When I initially became a reader of the blog there was only one author but now there are three. District Buppie, Up&Coming Buppie, and Dr. J (dude). District Buppie I believe is the first author and she asked some friends along for the ride and she is located in the DC area. Up&Coming Buppie I believe is from the DC Area as well but as I've been reading on and off the last few months I believe she is currently in Asia teaching English. As for Dr. J I haven't read a lot of his stuff on this stuff but he frequents other blogs and he always has a... uhhh.. interesting perspective on things lol.
Why I love this blog:
1. I love the variety. I definitely became interested in the blog because of the District Buppie's POV(point of view) but I really enjoy reading the other pieces as well. Up&Coming Buppie gives me a peak into life in Asia that I truly enjoy.
2. As stated in the tagline it IS real. I may have ranted once or twice on the blog... hence the reason why I didn't leave a comment the last time read it in regards to No God at Work. They had a guest blogger once that discussed his preference of dating White or Hispanic Woman instead of Black Woman and I went IN on a comment. But I love that it was REAL. I respected the opinion even if I thought his reasoning left something to be desired.
3. They use video: I've seen at least one video blog and I love the infusion of technology.. I don't need you guys stopping ME on the street once you know what I look like. I'm not that ready for that kind of fame. I certainly applaud their efforts though. Kudos to you District Buppie!
What I don't like about the blog:
Honestly there isn't much I dislike about this blog. They keep it up to date. They keep it real. And they do censor it. haha. I think that you readers would find something they like here: www.Buppie.blogspot.com Check it out!!
My daily, weekly, monthly musings... Sometimes uplifting, sometimes thought provoking, sometimes hilarious. All the time real.
This is who I am...

- Somethin Special...
- Love it or Hate it... Its my story and in some ways its yours too.. SomethinSpecialBlog@Gmail.com
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Keeping me Down....?
Ok so I've officially been single over a year now..... and I find myself still in limbo. I actually have been very much aware that a year was approaching lately. I'll hear different songs and think "This time last year this song would have me bawling.... Mmmm no tears now. Interesting. I must be getting better at this" Or wow this time last year was when I had reached my limit. Ill look back into my diary and read my thoughts and I'm completely blown away by the amount of emotion in the words that are written. I think I've just been living with it very close to my mind this month.
I think after month 8 I stopped counting how many months it had been since Mr. X and I broke up but this last month everything was very ON for me. I couldn't escape it and I hadn't even seen dude for like 5-6months. Then 7/22 came and like 15 times that day people needed me to remind them what the stinking date was. And I'm thinking to myself "Lord? Seriously? Really?" Then to make matters worse (?) I saw Mr. X not once but TWICE back to back the following weekend. (I couldn't make this stuff up people. I actually have a close friend who thinks our entire relationship could make a great movie. Its very "as seen on TV")
And now.. after the weekend is over I feel like I've been thrown back into this emotional pit. No I am definitely not bawling after every song but I find myself uttering a lot of 'what if' thoughts lately. I think I went 22 steps forward and within the last month went 7 steps back. It is very disorienting. Left a sister dazed and confused. I don't think it would be in my best interest to get back with Mr. X (not that its come up as an option) but the entire situation leaves me scratching my head when I give it more than a seconds thought. I keep getting pulled into that direction.
I have developed something more than a crush on a few guys. Some of which I'd seriously consider dating. That is a place I'm very glad to be at because I didn't think I'd be capable of it no matter how much I wanted it. I don't think I'll ever be 100% over Mr. X but I'm hoping I can coast at a smooth 85%. I'm getting there but progress has slowed down lately. I leave you with this song and video I felt captured where I'm at that I found on TheFlyGuy Chronicles website. Check it out... Song kinda rocks.
I think after month 8 I stopped counting how many months it had been since Mr. X and I broke up but this last month everything was very ON for me. I couldn't escape it and I hadn't even seen dude for like 5-6months. Then 7/22 came and like 15 times that day people needed me to remind them what the stinking date was. And I'm thinking to myself "Lord? Seriously? Really?" Then to make matters worse (?) I saw Mr. X not once but TWICE back to back the following weekend. (I couldn't make this stuff up people. I actually have a close friend who thinks our entire relationship could make a great movie. Its very "as seen on TV")
And now.. after the weekend is over I feel like I've been thrown back into this emotional pit. No I am definitely not bawling after every song but I find myself uttering a lot of 'what if' thoughts lately. I think I went 22 steps forward and within the last month went 7 steps back. It is very disorienting. Left a sister dazed and confused. I don't think it would be in my best interest to get back with Mr. X (not that its come up as an option) but the entire situation leaves me scratching my head when I give it more than a seconds thought. I keep getting pulled into that direction.
I have developed something more than a crush on a few guys. Some of which I'd seriously consider dating. That is a place I'm very glad to be at because I didn't think I'd be capable of it no matter how much I wanted it. I don't think I'll ever be 100% over Mr. X but I'm hoping I can coast at a smooth 85%. I'm getting there but progress has slowed down lately. I leave you with this song and video I felt captured where I'm at that I found on TheFlyGuy Chronicles website. Check it out... Song kinda rocks.
Sara Bareilles "Gravity" from The Fly Guy on Vimeo.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Aspirations of Brokeness
****Admin Note: I've noticed people are always asking my opinion on various issues and are always happy with the advice I give. So since I haven't been sued yet I figure I'd open my services to my blog family as well! So if you have a question/need advice on something please send your questions to SomethinSpecialblog@gmail.com All questions WILL be anonymous and readers will be encouraged to add their 7cents as well whether they agree or disagree with the advice or even think I may have forgotten a tidbit. All are welcome. Be blessed everyone!****
Now I'm thinking can I buy a house in 10yrs? What does my retirement fund look like? Mmmm can I afford to buy lunch tomorrow or maybe I should paper bag it? Wait do I HAVE a paper bag?! Between paying bills, rent, and adding to my rainy day (which is currently only suitable for a partly cloudy kind of day) fund I aspire to be broke. I hope to get a couple dollars in my pocket so that I can buy a snickers bar play on the monkey bars and pretend that I'm 11 again, and I have not a care in this world besides figuring out how to finish this candy before my sister asks for a piece.

When I was younger I was notorious for swiping loose change from my mom to buy junk food (who am I kidding I still am). Back in the day when you needed had to wait a couple days to be issued a bus pass to go to and fro school my mom would give me bus fare and I'd walk to school and spend the money on junk to munch on during the trip. My inner child was and still is a fat kid. Matter of fact I was pleasantly plumb in Junior High School so that WAS the fat kid.
That memory popped into my head today as I looked at my sorry behind checking account. Normally I'd look so happy; its pay day. But yesterday I paid all of my bills and today the money was withdrawn. I don't even want to tell you how much is left but hint: its in the single digits. SMH
I so long for the days when I wanted money in my pocket so I could buy a snickers bar. Or money so I could grab a cheeseburger from mickey dees. These days I'm thinking cable bill, student loans, and cell phone surcharges. I think back to those days when I had 50cents and all was right with the world. Now you can't even get a candy bar for that much (they cost at least 75cents now. Who can afford such indulgences?).

I know that day is far off though because I've enrolled myself in a strict budgeting system for the next few months. (Yea I often challenge myself to reach all kinds of goals.) As it stands I'm only allowed to spend $30 a week; outside of bills, rent, tithing/offerings of course. And I'm only allowed the 30 on Thursdays and into the weekend. For any and everything else I put my faith and trust in God to provide. I may asp to be broke but I don't have a poverty mentality/mindset. I am VERY wealthy where it matters. But I do recognize now more than ever we need to save and be more mindful of how we're spending our money. And because of this recognition I'm trying to be more responsible; which SO depletes my fun money. Ugggh now I REALLY want a Snickers!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let Your Light Shine and get Salty!
The other day I was blog hopping and came across an interesting entry on the blog "Expressions of a Buppie". For those of you unfamiliar with the blog its a blog written by 2/3 female Black Urban Professionals. I think this particular entry was written by the District Buppie (she resides in DC). Forgive me I can't at this time remember the name of title of the entry but it was something like 'No God at Work'. Now you KNOW I was already like errrrrrrf *insert comically quizzical facial expression here* As I continued to read past the title I ran a gamut of emotions between shock and anger. I started cracking my knuckles so I could get down and dirty on the keyboard and give them my 22cents. Here's the gist of it:
Blog writer is at work and conducting interviews. The woman currently being interviewed is a young Black female who is energetic, knowledgeable, and a great fit for the position. The District Buppie gives the thumbs up and the young lady moves on to conduct an interview with another staffer. After about 45mins to an hour the other staff member comes to DB's area of the office to talk about how the young lady would be a terrible fit and she won't be getting a call back. DB is confused having just met with the woman; she inquires why she wouldn't be a good fit. To which the staffer replies: "She's a God/Jesus freak. I asked her why she thought she'd be good for this position and she said God had prepared her for such a role" and continued to give her qualifications (Please understand I am not quoting word for word. A sistah is on the train riding to work and can't remember the exact line.) DB thinks that isn't such a big deal to label the girl freak but she knows the staffer is a lesbian atheist and figures the girl should have left her mouth shut because you never know who your speaking to. Needless to say the women was not hired.
When I read the entry there were comments which basically didn't think it was right but this is the world we live in so we must learn to keep that kind of thing to ourselves. This only made me seethe more. How dare this staffer deny a qualified person a job just because of her religious views. I felt that she was discriminated against and was this close *holds up thumb and finger an inch apart* to calling DC to file a complaint.
But after 7 deep breaths and a paradigm shift I didn't leave a comment. Forget discrimination for a minute; this staffer, DB, and the 2 people who left comments actually believed the young lady brought it on herself for bringing God up in her interview. I don't find anything wrong with her reference to God and think she didn't go overboard. I'm saying it is not like she whipped out her bible and started preaching or started quoting scriptures or even started speaking in tongues (note: anyone who has ever done this during a job interview in no way am I calling you a freak but you may want to check yourself. Too much too soon maybe?). I didn't want to get all preachy on the blog and leave a comment and I just shaked my head and exited the site. I forgot all about it but little did I know my Pastor was going to remind me.
Matthew 5:13-16 (New International Version)
Salt and Light 13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
*stands up and begins the slow clap* I love this scripture. I love Love LOVE this scripture. My pastor brought it up this past Sunday. He said we are supposed to be the Light in the dark not the Light in the Light. We can NOT hide out at work, in the street, in the WORLD. That is not what we were created for. We need to dwell among the world and let them see our light shine and manage not to fall to the very ills of that world. By hiding in our Christian homes and keeping our mouth shut will not help US or THEM. Granted there maybe people who don't WANT to hear it but there are far more people that NEED to hear it. I say all the time that my comments don't look full but I get messages on facebook, myspace, email (SomethinSpecialBlog@gmail.com), in other blogs, and even in person that remind me how many people I touch with my words. The saved and unsaved alike. I will NOT be afraid to let my light shine; to be the salt of the earth. Why?! Because I am apart of the chosen and it is apart of purpose in God's Plan and if that makes you feel some kind of way... Take it up with the man upstairs!
Blog writer is at work and conducting interviews. The woman currently being interviewed is a young Black female who is energetic, knowledgeable, and a great fit for the position. The District Buppie gives the thumbs up and the young lady moves on to conduct an interview with another staffer. After about 45mins to an hour the other staff member comes to DB's area of the office to talk about how the young lady would be a terrible fit and she won't be getting a call back. DB is confused having just met with the woman; she inquires why she wouldn't be a good fit. To which the staffer replies: "She's a God/Jesus freak. I asked her why she thought she'd be good for this position and she said God had prepared her for such a role" and continued to give her qualifications (Please understand I am not quoting word for word. A sistah is on the train riding to work and can't remember the exact line.) DB thinks that isn't such a big deal to label the girl freak but she knows the staffer is a lesbian atheist and figures the girl should have left her mouth shut because you never know who your speaking to. Needless to say the women was not hired.
When I read the entry there were comments which basically didn't think it was right but this is the world we live in so we must learn to keep that kind of thing to ourselves. This only made me seethe more. How dare this staffer deny a qualified person a job just because of her religious views. I felt that she was discriminated against and was this close *holds up thumb and finger an inch apart* to calling DC to file a complaint.
But after 7 deep breaths and a paradigm shift I didn't leave a comment. Forget discrimination for a minute; this staffer, DB, and the 2 people who left comments actually believed the young lady brought it on herself for bringing God up in her interview. I don't find anything wrong with her reference to God and think she didn't go overboard. I'm saying it is not like she whipped out her bible and started preaching or started quoting scriptures or even started speaking in tongues (note: anyone who has ever done this during a job interview in no way am I calling you a freak but you may want to check yourself. Too much too soon maybe?). I didn't want to get all preachy on the blog and leave a comment and I just shaked my head and exited the site. I forgot all about it but little did I know my Pastor was going to remind me.
Matthew 5:13-16 (New International Version)
Salt and Light 13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
*stands up and begins the slow clap* I love this scripture. I love Love LOVE this scripture. My pastor brought it up this past Sunday. He said we are supposed to be the Light in the dark not the Light in the Light. We can NOT hide out at work, in the street, in the WORLD. That is not what we were created for. We need to dwell among the world and let them see our light shine and manage not to fall to the very ills of that world. By hiding in our Christian homes and keeping our mouth shut will not help US or THEM. Granted there maybe people who don't WANT to hear it but there are far more people that NEED to hear it. I say all the time that my comments don't look full but I get messages on facebook, myspace, email (SomethinSpecialBlog@gmail.com), in other blogs, and even in person that remind me how many people I touch with my words. The saved and unsaved alike. I will NOT be afraid to let my light shine; to be the salt of the earth. Why?! Because I am apart of the chosen and it is apart of purpose in God's Plan and if that makes you feel some kind of way... Take it up with the man upstairs!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Picking up my Pen
So I know I've been mia and I also know I've said the same thing before lol. I have been up in the air people. For the last month or two I've been wrestling internally with some things that I still can't figure out. And when I say figure out its not that I haven't figured out how to fix it yet. Its that I haven't figured out what I'm fighting. Something is trying to manifest itself in my life and I'm struggling. I feel like I'm being prepared for something and so I'm trying to work harder and do all that needs to be done. Though I have NO idea what I'm preparing for.
And because of all of this internal exhaustion its hard to write. I don't have writer's block per se because I've got plenty of material and know what I want to write but can't pick up a pen. Literally. I haven't even been writing in my dairy lately. That's how I know I'm struggling with something. I put my pen down.
I don't want to attribute all of this to work woes or reminiscing about closing a chapter in my life this time last year but who knows. I've recently acknowledged that I've begun giving my B game in a couple different areas in my life and have made a vow to get back on my A game. (Is it just me or am I always constantly challenging myself?) As for my writing I figure I'll start slow. You guys know I'm long winded and I give lots of reading material but I'm going to give what I can until I'm back to normal. Don't worry it'll still pack a punch.
And because of all of this internal exhaustion its hard to write. I don't have writer's block per se because I've got plenty of material and know what I want to write but can't pick up a pen. Literally. I haven't even been writing in my dairy lately. That's how I know I'm struggling with something. I put my pen down.
I don't want to attribute all of this to work woes or reminiscing about closing a chapter in my life this time last year but who knows. I've recently acknowledged that I've begun giving my B game in a couple different areas in my life and have made a vow to get back on my A game. (Is it just me or am I always constantly challenging myself?) As for my writing I figure I'll start slow. You guys know I'm long winded and I give lots of reading material but I'm going to give what I can until I'm back to normal. Don't worry it'll still pack a punch.
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