When I was born my mother was going to name me Wendy... What she was thinking I will never know (No disrespect to the Wendys out there). I just don't believe I ever would of been a Wendy. My actual name, Sonia, isn't that much better; or so I thought. The one God parent that I do know gave my mother that name. I don't know where he got it from and I never asked. I actually found out the story of almost being a Wendy when I gave a rant to my mom about how un-Sonia-like I was.
You ever met someone and found out there name and the two just don't seem to fit? Well that is how I always felt about my name. I'm fun, and silly, and intelligent, a little eccentric, deep, and a host of other billions of contradictions and Sonia is just so... bland. Like what were they thinking! Didn't they realize? Didn't they take one look into my cute,chubby, baby face and see I was destined for greatness? Sonia just would NOT cut it. I actually was going to change my name when I got older but couldn't find anything that fit. By the age of 21/22 I gave up and decided to just live with the name I was born with. It didn't hurt that I met someone who absolutely loved my name.. Flattery can be persuasive!
By the ripe old age of 27 I've met a plethora of people who love my name. Not just Sonia but my first and last name (No I am NOT putting my last name on here..lets not get crazy). So much so that I began doing my own research... and I was astounded by how perfect a name for myself it was. Walk with me...let me school you on all that is Sonia...
Sonia is the Greek variant of Sofia. Sofia, I learned this past weekend, means a broad knowledge of things human and divine; a highly developed sensitivity that is based on experience and principles. It also means wise. In Hindi it means Golden. Which in case you didn't know means: exceptionally valuable, advantageous, or fine (Now I knew I was fine but now I have proof. #ImJustSayin!!), having glow vitality; radiant. In Mayan Civilization it was the given name for their main wives. It was a sign of respect, intelligence, and that she was a virtuous woman. Anyone with the name was considered strong, independent, and wise.
I say all this to reintroduce myself to you. My readers, my lurkers, my friends, my family. I'm Somethin' Special also known as Sonia. To some affectionately known as Sony or even Sone. THIS is who I am. This Sonia is who I grew up to be. The person I was destined to be. The person I am still en route to becoming. The greatness that I knew was in me was right there in my name and as much as I fought it fate won. Lets hope I continue on this path to fulfill all that was put forth when I was named. Lets also hope that through this reintroduction I can maintain reading material that live up to the name...
How do you feel about YOUR name? Do you think it fits you? Have you ever researched it? What does it mean? What name do you think you should have?
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