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As most of you know I am a lover of all things fan-tabulous. And more than that I am a lover of people who have lively goals and actually follow through with them. I am blessed to call 'friend' many women who are truly phenomenal. When I looked around and discovered how many of these women I knew I decided I wanted to showcase these women and/or the thing that makes them Phenomenal. So for the next few months you will be seeing post that feature interviews with some of these great women I know. All age groups, all backgrounds, all walks of life, and truly ALL PHENOMENAL!
Phenomenal Women: Tashima Jones Creator of Marsha.Marie
Tashima Jones and I were blessed to both be accepted into the EOP Program for a University in Upstate NY in the summer of 2001. Her lively spirit and can do attitude radiated from her small frame from that day and she has continued to do so all the years we have known one another. We recently caught up (thank you Stalkers Paradise!.. uhh I mean Facebook)and I discovered she recently launched an online ezine! I am honored to have gotten an interview with her to present to you about her new ezine and hope you guys are able to hit the web check it out and pass the info on to your friends and family. Take a peek and check out her brain child: MarshaMarie.com
1. What prompted you to begin Marsha Marie?
I’ve always had a passion for writing and the desire to create a magazine. Starting out with an entertainment magazine - Vaunt Magazine ((2006) an online magazine for marketing up & coming artists and entrepreneurs) was a short lived success. It was like a marketing hub for young talent to present their work. I found myself promoting music and behavior I didn’t even listen to or take part in. After some soul searching and growing pains, I realized I wanted to use my talent in a positive way while still making my dreams come true. Mixing my gifts to write and drive to inspire, I created Marsha.Marie (http://www.marshamarie.com/).
When standing at the supermarket’s cash register we can find magazines highlighting sex, drugs, and rock & roll 00:/. You know the celebrity drama and financial woes of the American culture. I believe God and encouragement have been shelved in exchange for disappointment and chaos. It seems as if we have become comfortable in turmoil. Marsha.Marie is like that breath of fresh air for a society of young women in need of a boost of love, happiness and direction.
2. How long has this ezine been in the making before you were able to actually go live on the site?
After dissolving Vaunt magazine in 2006 I kind of stopped working on the whole magazine dream however that passion within for writing and inspiring others thrived on. In 2008 (so like a two years ago) while sitting out for lunch with my sis and brother I let out my secret within – A hip magazine focused on God. Many can’t see how hip and God can be found in the same thought – I did. I started to work on it in the middle of the night and wee hours of the morning. It blossomed into what it is now and is not close to where it will be in the future.
3. What audience are you trying to tap into?
To be honest, I believe everyone needs to be inspired. While the demographics consist of young women between the ages of 18-25 it is hard for me to condense my audience of readers. Putting people in a box can stunt their growth. I thought about a black women’s magazine but realized my European and Asian friends need encouragement too. I thought about college students and young professionals but I am so aware of those who struggle with academic and economic success. Whoever reads Marsha.Marie will be blessed so all are invited.
4. What makes Marsha Marie different from the other ezines currently out there?
Definitely the spiritual concept. Spirituality is the driving force of our life; it influences the choices we make and our behavior whether people realize it or not. Our mission is to reveal the connection between spirituality and making healthy life choices. While some magazines are borderline inspiration others are more informational. Marsha.Marie is a great balance between the two. Knowing we live in the world, though we are not of it,J, Marsha.Marie intimately provides useful tips to living a godly life dealing with worldly issues. It has the answer for all those searching to fill that inevitable void within - Christ. Practical & spiritual advice is what we do our best to provide. A relationship with God is not magical but supernatural. With that said it is imperative we do our part in living a life of abundance.
5. Where do you see Marsha Marie this time next year?
I honestly believe Marsha.Marie will be far beyond my hopes and expectations. I ultimately see this magazine in print and on the shelves right next to the cash register at your local Wal-Mart and on the subway newspaper stands. Next year I aim to have over 500 dedicated readers and impacting the lives of all who come across it online.
So my little bloggy family I hoped you enjoyed this first installment of Phenomenal Women. And trust there are many more installments to come. Feel free to let me know if YOU know a Phenomenal Women that you think should be featured. We're all family; sisters and brothers in Christ! Have you ever thought about started an ezine? What would you like to read about in a ezine such as MarshaMarie? Let me know whassup people! :-) And as always.. Be Blessed..
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