I was involved in a debate on one of the many listservs I'm on about why so many women in my generation are single. And one young Lady made a comment about how marriage isn't really necessary these days. Now the first thing I responded was that marriage still is necessary but some chose not to acknowledge it. God made woman to be man's helpmate. That is the reason we were created. That doesn't change because man may think he doesn't need help or we find we have much more important things to do than help man (namely helping ourselves).
When I really started thinking about it more it reminded me of something my Pastor said a few months ago: "The speed limit doesn't change from 65 because the flow of traffic is at 80". To often in our society we allow societal norms to dictate how we act when God gave us laws to abide by long ago. just because everyone is doing it, doesn't make it right. Sex, Murder, Stealing, etc. we all make excuses to support us doing these things that we shouldn't.

Religion is man made. More than following a religion you should be following God. God didn't say we can't dance or listen to music. He did say thou shall not kill or steal. He didn't say steal if your running low on cash that week or kill if you don't think your ready to have a baby or that state allows the death penalty. And lets not even go into people's relaxed ideas about dating married men and women; or husbands and wives not honoring their vows...SMH
Whether we choose to acknowledge the speed limit or not its been set already. I can't force anyone to embrace God's Word as their own and abide by his rule; I can only concentrate on my walk. But let's be clear here because people don't choose to abide by His word doesn't mean it ceased to exist. And as much as I love some of my family and friends they don't give out buddy passes to heaven sooooo...
Do you dis/agree? What are some things you've noticed people let society dictate for them? Do you think as time passes we need to change with the times and stop dusting off old rules?
One thing you touched on, that i believe people let dictate their actions is Religion. As you said its man made, and i find that more often people use it to justify bad actions and tag it to GOD.
ReplyDeleteYeaaaaaa DB I SO feel you. I think a lot of people have issues with Muslim because some of them use God to justify their acts of violence. They aren;t any different from Those who kill abortion doctors "In God's Name". That doesn't even make sense to me. Do not screw with God's Word to benefit yourself in that way. God is not going to condone you killing someone or not walkin in love because you did it so they know God is Soverign. That makes no sense. Again Jesus came to bring Salvation NOT religion Live a spirited life people!
ReplyDeleteI think we need to start staying true to what we know IA the truth and stop letting societal norms become OUR norm. We weren't made to be people pleasers, we were made to please God. So what if our way of thinking is different from society or traditional or old school. It's the truth that I stand by.
ReplyDeleteBy the way SS it's Zarinah from FB. Told you I was swinging by. If you click on my name it'll take you to two different blogs. Check em out.