I know I know I missed a month... Or two but guess what time it is!? Blog of the Month!! And this blog is definitely a MUST on your blog roll.
For the last few weeks I've been held spellbound by this video blog. I mean completely transfixed. I first saw someone post the video on facebook and then I shared it myself. Before I knew it I was looking for more videos and trying to find dude on facebook to friend him!
I've become completely enamored with this fellow and you know why? Because dude speaks str8 truth. He keeps it 100%. Unfortunately some of what he says we (ladies AND gentlemen) don't want to hear. But I think once you open your mind and REALLY listen to what he is saying you realize its str8 truth.
As I'm new to the blog I believe there is only one author (Lewis) but he does speak in 'we' sometimes. I assume there are people who help with background work for the site but he is the face of it. His is the only email addy I see listed. If he is the only voice on the site super kudos to him!
I'm not even going to go into my whole listing of the pros and cons of this blog. Below you will find the first video I saw tell me what you think. To check out more videos go to ihustlenation.com and check them out: you WON'T be disappointed!
My daily, weekly, monthly musings... Sometimes uplifting, sometimes thought provoking, sometimes hilarious. All the time real.
This is who I am...

- Somethin Special...
- Love it or Hate it... Its my story and in some ways its yours too.. SomethinSpecialBlog@Gmail.com
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Know The Speed Limit

I was involved in a debate on one of the many listservs I'm on about why so many women in my generation are single. And one young Lady made a comment about how marriage isn't really necessary these days. Now the first thing I responded was that marriage still is necessary but some chose not to acknowledge it. God made woman to be man's helpmate. That is the reason we were created. That doesn't change because man may think he doesn't need help or we find we have much more important things to do than help man (namely helping ourselves).
When I really started thinking about it more it reminded me of something my Pastor said a few months ago: "The speed limit doesn't change from 65 because the flow of traffic is at 80". To often in our society we allow societal norms to dictate how we act when God gave us laws to abide by long ago. just because everyone is doing it, doesn't make it right. Sex, Murder, Stealing, etc. we all make excuses to support us doing these things that we shouldn't.

Religion is man made. More than following a religion you should be following God. God didn't say we can't dance or listen to music. He did say thou shall not kill or steal. He didn't say steal if your running low on cash that week or kill if you don't think your ready to have a baby or that state allows the death penalty. And lets not even go into people's relaxed ideas about dating married men and women; or husbands and wives not honoring their vows...SMH
Whether we choose to acknowledge the speed limit or not its been set already. I can't force anyone to embrace God's Word as their own and abide by his rule; I can only concentrate on my walk. But let's be clear here because people don't choose to abide by His word doesn't mean it ceased to exist. And as much as I love some of my family and friends they don't give out buddy passes to heaven sooooo...
Do you dis/agree? What are some things you've noticed people let society dictate for them? Do you think as time passes we need to change with the times and stop dusting off old rules?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Can A Sistah Get a Berry?!

So I was having a chat session with a good friend of mine on Gchat in between working hard and hardly working and she was telling me how romantic her bf is. How he'd draw her a bath or feed her fruit, do massages, etc. And I couldn't help but feel a little envious. Not for the man perse... but for the romance.
I can't remember the last time a dude tried to romance me. Granted some believe romance is for after marriage but I can't co-sign that 100%. I don't need my bath drawn or a massage; as that would only endanger my celibacy. A lil wooing is necessary in courtship no? Can a sistah get a berry? It doesn't even have to be dipped in chocolate! A candlelight dinner perhaps? Or even some flowers. The last time a guy gave me flowers was 4yrs ago when he was late for our date. Which was great; I truly appreciated the gesture. He came with a dozen red roses and I remember thinking "Mmm.. this is nice". Prior to that FavX bought me a beautiful bouquet for my 21st birthday. I will admit that having not received flowers I convinced myself that I didn't want them. I've even been quoted as saying "Who wants flowers? They die anyways". Well I realize I want them.. no matter how long they last.
When I mentioned this to my friend she admitted before this guy there wasn't a lot of romance either. We concluded that at some point in time guys have become lazy. Doing only the bare minimum to get the girl. If he doesn't HAVE to buy some flowers or a piece of candy then why bother? I'd love to blame other females for this. On some fronts I feel like wen a female allows a guy to get away for somethin she makes it harder for another female such as myself. So if you have scores of females who will open themselves up to you having done no work at all then hey why bother to deal with the girl you actually have to call, take out, buy a flower or two. But I can't blame it 100% on other females. I've become a strong believer in what others do shouldn't dictate what you do. So if a guy wants to do something nice for a Lady even if she is willing to give it to him for free he should still do it if its REALLY in his character to do so.

I think it depends how badly dude wants said lady. If a guy really wants you he'll go hard. He'll put his best foot forward and try to romance you. Even if its just to get the booty. They will work for it! And ladies your not exempt either. Think back to the last time you romanced your significant other (and I don't mean the time you took that pole dancing class to surprise him for his birthday). When was the last time you went out got your hair and nails 'did', cooked him a meal and gave him a back rub? And it was just Tuesday?! Not Christmas, Valentines Day, or his birthday... it was just Tuesday.
I can't remember the last time a dude tried to romance me. Granted some believe romance is for after marriage but I can't co-sign that 100%. I don't need my bath drawn or a massage; as that would only endanger my celibacy. A lil wooing is necessary in courtship no? Can a sistah get a berry? It doesn't even have to be dipped in chocolate! A candlelight dinner perhaps? Or even some flowers. The last time a guy gave me flowers was 4yrs ago when he was late for our date. Which was great; I truly appreciated the gesture. He came with a dozen red roses and I remember thinking "Mmm.. this is nice". Prior to that FavX bought me a beautiful bouquet for my 21st birthday. I will admit that having not received flowers I convinced myself that I didn't want them. I've even been quoted as saying "Who wants flowers? They die anyways". Well I realize I want them.. no matter how long they last.
When I mentioned this to my friend she admitted before this guy there wasn't a lot of romance either. We concluded that at some point in time guys have become lazy. Doing only the bare minimum to get the girl. If he doesn't HAVE to buy some flowers or a piece of candy then why bother? I'd love to blame other females for this. On some fronts I feel like wen a female allows a guy to get away for somethin she makes it harder for another female such as myself. So if you have scores of females who will open themselves up to you having done no work at all then hey why bother to deal with the girl you actually have to call, take out, buy a flower or two. But I can't blame it 100% on other females. I've become a strong believer in what others do shouldn't dictate what you do. So if a guy wants to do something nice for a Lady even if she is willing to give it to him for free he should still do it if its REALLY in his character to do so.

I think it depends how badly dude wants said lady. If a guy really wants you he'll go hard. He'll put his best foot forward and try to romance you. Even if its just to get the booty. They will work for it! And ladies your not exempt either. Think back to the last time you romanced your significant other (and I don't mean the time you took that pole dancing class to surprise him for his birthday). When was the last time you went out got your hair and nails 'did', cooked him a meal and gave him a back rub? And it was just Tuesday?! Not Christmas, Valentines Day, or his birthday... it was just Tuesday.

As men and women we need to cater to each other a little more. Even if you can't buy some flowers a 'Just Thinkin about You' ecard works wonders to make a someone smile! Or even a text message saying something cute like "I can barely concentrate on work because I'm so busy thinking about your beautiful smile..." Oh! Or leaving little notes around their apt or house. Not the stalker kinds of notes. Just little thinking of you stuff you know. They may not find it for a few days or a few weeks but it would be a nice surprise. So bring out the romance people. Don't be afraid to let them know they are Somethin' Special!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I Had To Date Them
So I wrote three blogs on the train this morning... But I heard this not to long ago and HAD to post it. Ladies Gentlemen please listen and listen HARD...
I Had To Date Them (Sermon) - Bishop Jamal Bryant
I Had To Date Them (Sermon) - Bishop Jamal Bryant
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