The other day my Granny's best friend passed away. We used to call her Aunty Mary. I was 18 before I found out this woman wasn't my real aunt you know. As a child I spent a lot of time in her home in Guyana, where my family is originally from. Whole summers would be spent with my various cousins and siblings sleeping under this ladies roof. Some of my favorite childhood memories were at that place.
I haven't been there since I was 19 which is the last time I was in Guyana. Was supposed to go last year but had a Saturday job that kept me grounded most weekends. And a host of other excuses that I let keep me from going back to the land of my ancestors. Back to Aunty Mary. Well by the time I was 19 she was blind but she was still sharp. My older cousins(OK me too! Lol) would sneak out to go party and she could tell u what time we left and what outfit we had on! SMH
I will truly miss this woman. But more than myself I worry for my elders. My mother, aunts, and uncles saw this woman as there Aunt and could tell her things they couldn't tell their own mother. And what of their mother? My Granny? She has lost all of her siblings and she has one half sibling left, she's lost her husband as well. The last sister she lost I was there when she got the news and it broke my heart at how alone she felt. She kept saying she was the only one left. I tried reminding her of her sister who could practically be her twin only to find out she was a half sister who she didn't grow up with. As far as I'm concerned there are no half-siblings; you just love them with your whole heart to make up the difference. My Granny was not hearing that.
Now she has lost her best friend. Someone who wasn't blood but you'd never know because of their closeness. And I can't help but think "Lord I don't want to grow up!" To lose my sisters and brothers! My parents or even my cousins as we all grew up together would be such a hard burden to bear. To continue your life without the ones who have made it worth living is no easy task and I don't envy my Granny at all. So at this time I can just love on her as much as possible to help her realize she still has some of us left.
As christians we know that nothing lasts forever. Its a hard fact to deal with and many of us (myself included) do not want to think of what is going to happen tomorrow.. or even the day after that.. but remind your grandmother that she isn't alone. She has many ppl who care and love her. Many who pray for her well being. This may not comfort her immediately but after sitting and thinking about it she will be warmed with the fact that God has blessed her with thoughtful, caring, wonderful children and grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteWe are not from here, we were given a passport of sorts to do our bidding before it is our time to go home. We belong with God and after we've touched the lives of those who we were meant to touch, or we after we've made the change that we were meant to change we have to go home because God has other plans that he needs us to complete. Our home is with him. Tell grandma you love her everyday. Give her kisses and hugs and keep her heart filled with the joy of love and happiness.. our lives aren't long but the love of God and the love of family lasts forever!
Be blessed and know that Aunt Mary now sits with our father watching over all of us. Keeping all harm at bay and praying for your return home, when the time is right.
My condolences go out to you and your family. I will pray with you during this difficult time.. When you say Good bye to Aunt Mary, please tell her to say hello God for me..
May your hearts be filled with joy again soon.