When I'm bored and unable to find something to do with myself I click the CNN app on my berry. People see me avidly watching the screen and sometimes think I'm texting my life away to some man. No. I'm not I'm just reading CNN ha! And while reading it the other day I came across an article about names.. Or rather HIS name.
The article was exploring whether or not Women should take their husbands names. It discussed different cultural practices like in Spain where you have both names. Or the fact that celebrity women keep their own last names. In this day and age more women are taking on their husband's name rather than keeping their own. The writer wasn't happy with this saying a woman who gives up their name loses her identity. *insert my rolled eyes here*
I've probably mentioned before but if I haven't: I'm a modern girl with an old fashioned kind of loving. Things like courtship, chivalry, letting a Man take the lead do not grow out of style as far as I'm concerned. I had a conversation with a good friend of mine just last week about this (told you I'd blog it! Ha!) and I told her I'm definitely taking my husband's name.
I can't for the life of me understand the concept of joining my life with another person but stay separate :-/. I thought that whole separate but equal stuff was thrown out in the 60s?! SMH And if I was a dude I'd be offended if my wife said she'd marry me but didn't want my name. Now I know several married couples some took on their husbands name some didn't they all had their reasons. A good friend of mine hyphenated her last name because her dad only has girls. But then she has a boy and he has the dad's name anyways. *shrug*.
The writer of the talked about identity theft and how our names are like our identities so if a women takes on her husbands last name that's how she loses her identity. I can't co-sign dat madness. One its just the last name so even if our names were linked to our identity its a PART of your identity that changes. And in all actuality your identity does change you are now a wife. This is just one way that you acknowledge that change.
Now I can see it coming.... "So then why can't my husband change his name?" Chhhh **that is me sucking my teeth** I am as independent as the next female but again I'm a modern girl with an old fashioned kind of loving. Know your role and play your position. Your man is supposed to lead. You ever watch ballroom where you can't tell who is leading?! SMH its very confusing. Having your man lead doesn't make you any less than he is. Only you can do that. If your husband/fiance is really that kind of man he doesn't need your name to zap your identity.
Now as is pretty much EVERYTHING on this blog with the exception of whats in "Just Stopping By" this is all my personal opinion. I'm just one person. Ladies, do you feel the need to take your husband's name? If not what are your reasons. Gentleman, do you want your wife to take your name or do you not care either way as long as she is at the Church on time? Speak to me people.