2011 has been
My schedule has written more checks that my body couldn't keep this year more than any other. And my writing has suffered. My health has suffered. My relationships have suffered. When your a jack of all trades you can never been a master of none..
So I'm going to go ahead and take the advice of family and friends... I'm going to just go right ahead and.. take a seat... See how the other half lives... Sleep a little more, read a little more, dance a little more, cook a little more, play with my niece/nephew/God daughter a little more, write a little more.. Shoot maybe I can take a seat long enough to start writing that book. At this point the door is wide open for me to really just relax and do the things I love and not just the things that I feel I'm needed for. Sometimes in life we need to understand that though we are needed by many there is one who needs our love and attention far more... And that's ourselves. *kicks off shoes and relaxes her feet*
Do you have any resolutions for 2012? Maybe they're the same ones from 2011..? Find yourself doing too much as well? Any ideas on great ways to take a seat...and continue sitting?