Why do I feel like I need to apologize to an old friend when I begin writing a new blog...? I know I've been in and out for awhile. Here and gone, vowing to stay more consistent. I bet if you didn't know any better you'd think I was a man (Ha! Couldn't help myself!)! But no I am sorry lots of happenings in my life in the last few months. Come..walk with me talk with me:

**Professional: I don't know if I've ever eluded to it or not but my boss is certifiably insane. Yes she is bonkers; I diagnosed her myself. She meets u and loves you and then decides your a horrible person and that your after her for some weird reason. No this is not my own paranoia I've seen her do it with 2-r other people before she started on me. I should of taken the hint my 2 months in when I noticed 3 other people held my position in the previous year and a half. Which is why it gives me great pleasure to announce I resigned from my job. My last day is next week and I may do cartwheels throughout the facility that day.
I truly consider it a blessing from God how it all came about. I was passively looking for another job when a sistergreek, my sandz, randomly hit me on BBM and I jokingly asked if her job was hiring. Turns out they were and the next day 2hrs after emailing her my resume I got called in for an interview. God is good ain't He?
Through a lot of prayer, faith, staying humble and more patient than I think I've ever been I was given an offer and I accepted. I start at the end of the month and I am truly excited about beginning this new phase in my life. It wasn't just the bonkers boss; I have outgrown my current position and organization. And the commute was a dooooozey! I'm a lot closer to home and it gives me more incentive to purchase my car. Who wants to be the first one to fill my tank? ;-)

**Personally: Well I know I eluded to the fact that I had a roommate who was pretty crummy. Well she is gone and I finally have peace in my home. My older sister is my new roommate and though that will take some getting used to I still appreciate not having that chick here. The apartment literally feels warmer and inviting. And trust that's not a bias a friend came over and confirmed it for me. Its just a peaceful air in the apartment...as a home should be.
I also have eluded to the fact that I'd been dating someone... Well yea I am. My Mr. X is now just my Mister. My first time dating someone I'd dated before. I'd always been adamant about not being one of those people that have yo-yo relationships. They just look silly, exhausting, and a big waste of time. Well I'm a believer in 2nd chances now...just not 3rds or 4ths and God forbid 5ths. Those numbers should only be in races and at thanksgiving o_O.
We've been dating for over 6months now and I don't regret my decision at all. As cliche as it sounds sometimes you do need to let some things go to figure out if its really for you. Growing apart is sometimes better than growing together. And God is not thru with us yet so we have the opportunity now to grow together.
That's the major changes in my life right now. I'm really happy about where I am right now. I thank God for everything he has given me. But do realize God will not give you anything you can't handle; that includes the good and the bad. So please believe I was tested several times before reaching this level in the last few months. But you have to believe and have faith that your prayers will be answered. Faith without works is dead...
What new beginnings are you believing in for your self, family, work? Are you walking in that faith? Being aggressively positive despite your circumstances?